The Challenge
As T-Mobile was preparing to merge with Sprint, T-Mobile wanted to build their leaders “self efficacy” at handling change management conversations in preparation for the merging of two large distinct organisations. T-Mobile’s long standing leadership program focuses on quick bursts of microlearning paired with experiential learning, ideal for upcoming leaders transitioning into a director role. The goal was to help leaders practice how to manage changing business conditions—both voicing their own concerns and countering objections expressed by resistant team members.
Our Solution
Cohorts of leaders were run through simulations of change management scenarios. Learners were challenged to gain buy-in from an employee who is influential but resistant to change. They accessed a digital custom environment to complete scenarios in 30-minute increments at times that were convenient to them from anywhere.
Nearly 90% of employees showed competency in handling change management scenarios.
T-Mobile has expanded the scope of the training to include leading difficult team meetings and supporting a traumatized employee. Currently 20 new learners are added every month to the program.
Use of simulations has expanded into several other domains of T-Mobile, including the NXT LVL program for top-performing retail leaders and B2B Sales onboarding.